A Street Beggar (paragraph)

                        A Street Beggar

A street Beggar

A beggar who begs to stand by a street(রাস্তা) is called a street beggar. He is usually found in the busy towns and cities. How often wears torn, dirty and patched clothes. A street beggar may be lame, blind or dumb. He usually carries a vessel in his hands. He tries to draw the attention of the passers-by uttering painful words. He usually recites from the holy Qur’an and tries to stir the religious sentiments of the passer-by. Many passers-by feel pity and sympathy for him and give him coins. He receives the coins with a grateful heart and wishes a peaceful life for him. The income of a street beggar is not enough for him to keep body and soul together. A street beggar is a social parasite. He gives nothing to the society but brings a slur on the nation. The removal of the beggary from the society is the crying need of the day.


A man who earns money and leads his life by begging(ভিক্ষা করে) is called Street Beggar. Generally he lives from hand to mouth and he is always seen in the public places like – at the railway station, bus stand, in the market, beside the main road and different places. He lives in a slum or in a small hut or in the open sky. He always puts on old and dirty dress. Every day he gets up early in the morning.Then he leaves his house for begging. He goes door to door to beg. Several times he applies many techniques to earn much money. Normally he earns Tk. 200 to 250 daily in every day and it is not sufficient/enough(পর্যাপ্ত) for his living. At night he goes to market to buy his daily goods and returns home after buying his necessary /essential (গুরত্বপূর্ণ)goods. Several times(মাঝে মাঝে )he and his family pass their days without eating. He lives below poverty(দারিদ্র) line. As a result he is unable to make his children educated and take proper treatment owing to acute poverty. He looks older than his age.


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