A Tea Stall (paragraph)

                                             A Tea Stall

                                      A tea stall

A tea stall is a common thing now-a-days.It is found at every nook and corner of the town or the village.There is a stove where a kettle (চায়ের কেটলি)is boiling( ফুটানো)There is also a pan of milk to prepare tea.Usually a tea stall is not well furnished.It has a few chairs,benches and tables.Biscuits,cake­s,sweetmates(মিষ্ঠান্ন) and different kinds of hand-made snacks are available there.Betel leaves and cigarettes are sold in some tea stalls.Newspapers,ra­dio-sets,television,­two-in one etc. are kept in a tea stall to attract the customers.It opens early in the morning and closes late at night.Some boys serve tea to the customers.The manager sits at the entrance (প্রবেশ)of the stall.He takes money from the customers.So to speak,a tea stall is a busy place.People gather at a stall to take a cup of tea.Customers enjoy the music or read the main news items or something discuss matters on politics (রাজনীতিক বিষয়) or any other burning question of the day.The villagers discuss village politics here.In fact,we can say that it plays an important role in the life of the locality.


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